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Get a quick walkthrough of SearchStax Site Search ​

SearchStax Site Search is engineered to give marketers the agility they need to optimize site search outcomes. Get full visibility into search analytics and make real-time changes with just a few clicks.

Welcome to SearchStax!

Here’s a brief tour of our Site Search solution. Let’s start with search and discovery. As soon as the visitor starts typing in your search bar automatic suggestions begin to populate. These suggestions are powered by machine learning and improve over time as our AI models get trained on your visitor’s behavior. Once the visitor makes their selection or completes their keyed in phrase, they can filter down their results.

In this example, they can filter by degree, content type and college. You can customize your own filters based on your website data. These sidebar filters, which are officially called facets, come standard within our search UI kit. You can style the result cards how you want. Here are horizontal and vertical options. The cards can include any fields that help your visitors, like this quick designation between in person or online programs. Images can make a visual impression and showing contact information helps with directory style data.

If you want to give visitors full control to tailor their results, they can sort by relevance, date or even alphabetical order. Overall, you own this search experience and the look and feel of the page, so visitors find what they need fast and gain trust in your brand. No more bouncing back to Google.

Okay, now let’s move on to analytics. When you log into SearchStax Site Search, your dashboard shows you some super helpful things like how many people ran a search on your site within a certain time period. Let’s look at the last 30 days. Here are the total searches, the number of those searches that resulted in a click and its corresponding click through rate.

If you see your click through rate trend up, that indicates more searchers are finding results that are worth clicking into, which gives you a solid indication that you’re delivering the right content to satisfy your visitors needs.

But we don’t stop there. See exactly what people are looking for with an instant look at your most popular searches. Double click this one and it shows you exactly which pages get the most clicks after people search for this term, take it even further and double click and you’ll uncover all of the different search terms driving clicks to that page. It’s your website data. You should have total visibility over how people are searching, discovering and engaging with your digital content.

Similarly, you can see what people search for but don’t find any results here in this no results searches list. This is a quick way to surface content gaps and learn what you can adjust, such as creating synonyms for acronyms and nicknames.

With SearchStax, you not only learn what people are looking for on your site, but you also get easy to use tools for marketers to refine that digital search experience. This is your own website and we believe marketing should have a seat at the table and the agility to control what ranks at the top of your search results page. Simply create promotions with just a few clicks and check it out. Your best content goes straight to the top. This is perfect for seasonal events and high value, high intent keywords.

With SearchStax, watch your conversions, engagement and brand reputation soar. Hope this helped give you a quick look. We’d love to show you even more.