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SearchStax Named to the Leaders Quadrant for G2 Enterprise Search | Read the Press Release

MeetUp Video: Setup and Learnings - Cross Data Center Replication in Apache Solr 7 on AWS

Watch Our MeetUp: Setup and Learnings - Cross Data Center Replication in Apache Solr 7 on AWS

CDCR (Cross Data Center Replication) has been a long requested feature in Apache Solr. In this talk, we’ll discuss the new CDCR support in Solr 7. Legacy versions of Apache Solr (Solr 6.6 and below) had no out of the box offerings for enabling DR (disaster recovery) plans as far as data in Solr indexes were concerned. Solr 6.6 introduced the possibility of enabling your application for DR, while SOLR 7.2 took it to the next level by adding bidirectional syncs. At this meetup, we’ll demonstrate the features of CDCR, its potential benefits, use cases and constraints. We will discuss the dos and don’ts of CDCR and demonstrate CDCR on AWS.

Speaker Bios

Nishant Karve is a Senior Consultant at SearchStax. He has over 13 years of experience working in technology, including roles at United Airlines, US Bank and Allstate. His interests include Search, BPM, Cloud Computing, especially AWS and Apache Solr. He has extensive experience in middleware technologies such as TIBCO and IBM WebSphere. He is also focused on upgrading the Apache Solr infrastructure and automating the process through Docker.​

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