Help Center
At SearchStax, we want our customers to succeed quickly and efficiently. Based on our experiences with thousands of SearchStax Managed Search and Site Search deployments, we have answered over a hundred common questions posed by SearchStax users.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, contact our SearchStax Support Desk.
Popular Site Search Topics
- Site Search Walkthroughs
- Wildcard Search
- SEO-Friendly Search Pages
- Spell Check vs. Auto-Suggest
- Synonyms vs. Related Searches
- Synonyms: Upload Format
- Promotions: Indexed vs. External
- Boosts: Ranking vs. Rules
- Facets: Text vs. String
- Why Stopwords?
- Boolean Search vs. Stopwords
- Hit-Highlighting Snippets
- Crawler Exclusions
- Crawler Content Field
- Clear a Site Search Index
- Delete Individual Documents
Site Search Troubleshooting
Popular Managed Search Topics
- How can I secure Zookeeper for Solr deployments?
- Can we Log Queries?
- Does SearchStax Managed Search provide Solr Disaster Recovery systems?
- Restart SearchStax Managed Search Deployments
- Can I move a Deployment to Another Account?
- How to Export a Solr Collection
- Does SearchStax Managed Search Support Vanity DNS for Solr?
Solr ERROR Topics
- Why Do Solr Backups Fail?
- Sitecore Solr Cloud Connection Errors
- A config with this name already exists!
- Can't Connect to Solr or Zookeeper
- Suggester was not Built
- Consider Enabling SSL
- Could Not Restore Core
- Underlying Core Creation Failed
- Solr Indexing Errors
- 301 Error
- 400 Error
- 401 Error
- 403 Error
- 404 Error
- 413 Error
- 413 Maximum Post Size Exceeded
- 414 Error
- Delete Individual Documents
- Auto-Suggest
- 429 Error
- 500 Internal Server Error
- 502 Bad Gateway Error
- 503 Updates are Disabled Error
- 504 Gateway Timeout Error
- 510 Not Extended Error
- V2HttpCall Error: No core retrieved for null
- maxWarmingSearchers
- Error Opening New Searcher
- Zookeeper Ensemble Health Check Failed
- No Servers Hosting Shard
- Solr instance is not running in SolrCloud mode
- Document contains Immense Term
- LDAP Error
- Access to the Path is Denied
- API Key is Not Valid for Required Scope
- You don't have permission to perform this action.
- Max Requests Queued per Destination 3000 Exceeded
- Task/Request Processing Stalled
- Cannot Change DocValues Type
- Invalid Number Error
- AsynchronousCloseException Error
- Invalid Cipher
- Identical Queries Produce Inconsistent Results
- Replicas Missing on some Cluster Nodes
- How do I Recognize a Solr Out-of-Memory Error?
- How do I fix an Out-of-Memory Error?
Solr Security
- What is the SearchStax Managed Search Security Pack?
- How can I secure Zookeeper for Solr deployments?
- What is the TLS 1.2 Upgrade?
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
- Does SearchStax Support Solr Basic Authentication?
- Basic Auth Credentials in PowerShell
- CSRF Verification Failed
- Does SearchStax support IP filtering?
- Cannot add another IP Filter!
- Does SearchStax Support Static IP addresses?
- Does SearchStax support At-rest Encryption?
- Does SearchStax support VPC/VPN security?
Solr Topics
- Taming Commits
- What is a Collection/ Core/ Shard/ Replica? What is HA/ FT/ DR?
- How to Optimize Solr for Performance?
- Why is the Config API disabled?
- Why is the Configset API Disabled?
- Solr Schema API
- Nodes Use Different Disk Space
- Timeouts during indexing: Too many commits!
- Solr Master/Slave Architecture
- Solr Blue-Green Architecture
- Does Solr's SWAP work with SearchStax?
- How many Solr servers, shards, and replicas should I have?
- Add a Node to a Solr Cluster
Deployment Upgrades
Solr Indexing Issues
- How Do I Update the Solr Schema?
- How to Empty a Solr Index
- Delete Individual Documents?
- Can we use Apache Tika?
- Is there help for ingesting Solr data?
- How do I clear all data from a Solr deployment?
- Data loaded, but why no search results?
- Solr Language Support
- Does SearchStax support CORS?
- How to import Solr data from Postgres or MongoDB?
- Identical Queries Produce Inconsistent Results
Sitecore Solr Topics
- Can SearchStax Managed Search provide Solr indexing support for Sitecore?
- Optimizing the xConnect Search Service
- Lowering &rows=1000000
- Can we use SwitchOnRebuild with SearchStax?
- Unpublish/Delete Fails to Remove Item from Sitecore Index
- Sitecore Solr Cloud Connection Errors
- POST vs. GET Requests
- Why does Sitecore fail to populate schemas?
Solr Backups
Solr Zookeeper Configuration
Solr Monitoring and Alerting
- Pulse Agent is Down!
- Physical memory usage is over 90%!
- Does SearchStax monitor my Solr deployments?
- CPU Usage
- System Load Average
- Index Average Response Time / Request
- Index Error Count
- Index Timeout
- JVM Heap Used
- Free Disk Space
- Search – Avg. Response Time/Request
- Search Error Count
- Search Timeout Alert
- Heartbeat Alert
- Could not obtain overseer's address
- Is 100% CPU a bad thing?
- Why don't my Collections appear in Monitoring?
- Graph says "No Data," "Data not available," or "Downloading data failed."
Solr Logging
Solr Query and Relevance Optimizations
Billing and Refunds
Users and Roles
Solr Integrations
- Can SearchStax Managed Search integrate with PagerDuty?
- Can I Add New Relic Analytics to SearchStax Managed Search?
- Can I use SiLK with SearchStax Managed Search Solr?
- What Versions of Drupal Does SearchStax Support?
- Does SearchStax Managed Search integrate with Django Haystack?
- Can SearchStax Managed Search provide Solr indexing support for Sitecore?
We love to answer questions!
Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.