SearchStax Help Center

Boosts: Ranking vs. Rules

“Boosts” can be a loaded topic among Solr users. The basic idea is to raise the relevancy score of a document in some circumstance. The details of Solr boosting can be a “black hole” where engineers disappear for hours or days. This blog post is an example.

SearchStax Site Search simplifies this picture by offering two kinds of boost features: Ranking boosts and Rule boosts. Both are multipliers applied to partial relevance scores during matching.

  • Ranking: Site Search can apply a boost multiplier to the partial relevance score contributed by a field. It can also calculate a partial relevance score from a formula and then apply a multiplier.
  • Rules: Site Search rules are activated by a trigger phrase found in the query. If the phrase is present, the rule can apply a Ranking multiplier to a field, or calculate a relevance score from a formula and boost it.

The critical difference is the “trigger phrase.” Rule boosts are inactive until the appropriate trigger appears in a query.

All boost multipliers are “1” by default. Ranking boosts can be set by a UI slider over the range 1-100. Rule boosts have similar sliders but for the range 1-50. In practice, one must experiment with boost values to see how much amplification is desired.

When you set boost values in Site Search, remember to scroll down the screen and Publish them.


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