SearchStax Site Search solution offers these troubleshooting suggestions for the Auto-Suggest feature.
- No suggestions appear:
- Confirm that Auto-Suggest is enabled.
- Ensure that the minimum character setting is set at an appropriate threshold.
- A new index of “previous search terms” might be empty or nearly so. You can manually enter suggestible terms for testing.
- Unable to upload Auto-Suggest terms:
- File size: File size must not exceed the maximum size of 10MB
- File format: Ensure that the file being uploaded is either a .CSV or .TXT file.
- .CSV file requirements:
- The file should contain a single column.
- The first row must include the header titled Word.
- .TXT file requirements”
- The file should contain a single column with no header needed.
- .CSV file requirements:
- Suggestions seem confusing. The auto-suggest algorithm provides:
- Up to N partial-match suggestions based on previous searches or words you enter, where “N” is the Suggestions per Search value from the Auto-Suggest tab.
- The system then adds fuzzy-match suggestions from the same pool to bring the list of suggestions up to five.
- When there are no partial-match suggestions to display, or not enough of them, the system fills in additional fuzzy matches to up five total.
- The system returns the “best” fuzzy matches it can find. When the pool of possible matches is small, the best matches can have little similarity to the query. Time will cure this as the search history grows.
Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.