SearchStax Site Search solution is engineered to give marketers the agility they need to optimize site search outcomes. Get full visibility into search analytics and make real-time changes with one click.
SearchStax Managed Search service automates, manages and scales hosted Solr infrastructure in public or private clouds. Free up developers for value-added tasks and reduce costs with fewer incidents.
November 10, 2022
Chris Hanson
SearchStax CEO and Founder Sameer Maggon and Konabos’ Digital and PMO team member Matthew McQueeny shared a conversation about site search and working with Sitecore during the Sitecore Symposium.
“Search is undergoing a resurgence as modernization needs push organizations to get better at search,” said Maggon. “SearchStax is already extremely well-positioned in that regard.”
Together, they also covered:
You can read the full interview on the Konabos blog.
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