SearchStax Site Search solution is engineered to give marketers the agility they need to optimize site search outcomes. Get full visibility into search analytics and make real-time changes with one click.
SearchStax Managed Search service automates, manages and scales hosted Solr infrastructure in public or private clouds. Free up developers for value-added tasks and reduce costs with fewer incidents.
August 03, 2023
Thomas DiLascio
At SearchStax, we continually look for ways to improve the management experience with thoughtfully designed product capabilities, because let’s face it – if we identify a tedious process that our operations team would prefer an easier way to manage, then our users must definitely think it’s tedious as well!
The need to reboot servers within a distributed systems context is a great example. Even if your team is new to SearchStax and/or Apache Solr, it’s most likely not your first encounter with managing distributed systems. SearchStax offloads the overall burden of provisioning, running, and managing Solr operations, but in some cases, your team may still experience the need to occasionally reboot Solr services. Several scenarios are listed below which go beyond general troubleshooting, such as resetting the JVM Heap Memory or conducting code change management.
Like with many distributed systems, the larger the installation, the more tedious management can get when manual operations are required. If you’re running a 10+ node cluster, triggering a Solr restart to every server in that cluster can require significant oversight on the order of hours, and be error-prone if you need to monitor and manage each restart to ensure it executes successfully and Solr recovers without issue.
Recently, we released our new Rolling Restarts feature, which provides users with the ability to reboot servers in a Dedicated Cluster deployment without having to monitor and manage each server individually. Users can go to any Dedicated Cluster deployment in their dashboard and trigger a Rolling Restart as needed.
This feature is also available as part of the SearchStax Deployment API suite and can be run programmatically like any other REST API. Now users can issue a Rolling Restart command and know that servers will be restarted one-at-a-time, with back-end systems checking Solr replicas’ health on the most recently restarted server before the next server restart initializes to ensure that service uptime and availability are not impacted.
Rolling Restarts can come in handy for various use cases. Below are some common scenarios which users and even our team encounter the need for using Rolling Restarts:
Give Rolling Restarts a try from the dashboard or as part of your integration & delivery pipeline using the API. If you have any questions we’re always here to help at
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