SearchStax Site Search solution is engineered to give marketers the agility they need to optimize site search outcomes. Get full visibility into search analytics and make real-time changes with one click.
SearchStax Managed Search service automates, manages and scales hosted Solr infrastructure in public or private clouds. Free up developers for value-added tasks and reduce costs with fewer incidents.
April 11, 2022
Tom Humbarger
To take search to the next level, organizations can now easily integrate SearchStax Studio into their Acquia website. Like Acquia Search, SearchStax Site Search for Acquia runs on Solr and delivers features that aren’t available with out-of-the-box Solr and have historically required extensive custom development.
SearchStax Studio focuses on delivering two things that marketers need to effectively manage the search experience:
See how to leverage your Solr investment on Acquia and get a modern search experience with analytics and easy-to-use tools in the full post on the Acquia Developer Portal.
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